
Schedule Change



On August 9th we are going to launch a new Wednesday night schedule.  I believe the new schedule will be more attractive to young families.  It will start earlier, end earlier, and not be as long.  Most of our services will begin at 6 p.m. and end at 7:30 p.m., an hour and a half.  There will be something offered for everyone.  The only exception will be Adelphia, the young singles service, that will begin at 7:45 p.m.  Westside will be “the Wednesday night place to be!”

There will be Team Kid for Preschoolers and Truth Trackers for Children.  The Choir time for preschoolers and children will be incorporated into the Bible teaching time.  The Youth will have the option of participating in the Generation Choir Rehearsal, Generation Orchestra Rehearsal, or attending a Youth Discipleship Class.  Adults will have several options to choose from: Generational Choir Rehearsal, Generational Orchestra Rehearsal, Discipleship Classes, a Connection Group at Night, or a Bible Study & Prayer Time with the Pastor in the Teachey Chapel.

Because of the earlier start time, we will offer a Wednesday night supper at the Bridge Building that will begin serving at 4:30 p.m.  Details are still being worked out on the menu, but it will probably be a rotation between places like Chick-fil-A, Pizza Hut, Subway, or something like that.  The cost will be announced later.

Also, three or four times a year on Wednesday night we will all meet together for a Family Worship Hour.  This will be an energetic service for all ages that will climax with the Lord’s Supper.  There will be no childcare for this service.  We want everyone to be together!

Finally, there will be a couple of things added to the Sunday schedule that will be launched on August 13.  First, the Youth Worship Service will meet at 6 p.m. at the Bridge Building every Sunday.  I know this is different, but the possibility for reaching young people at this new time is exciting!  This will be for young people in grades 6-12.  Second, we are going to have Connection Groups Workers Meetings once a month on Sunday afternoon.  They will meet on the third Sunday of each month.  This will be an exciting time of praying, planning, promoting, and preparing.  Your age level pastor/director can give you more details.

Enjoy your summer and I look forward to launching the new schedule with you in August!

         9:30 a.m. – Connection Groups
        10:45 a.m. – Morning Worship
        6:00 p.m. – Westside Youth Worship

        4:30 p.m. – Fellowship Meal (Fellowship Hall)
        6:00-7:30 p.m. – Adult Bible Study (Teachey Chapel)
                                Adult Discipleship Classes (Various)
                                               Men’s Class -  Disciplines of a Godly Man – Bob Barton – Coker 102
                                               Grief Share – Jim and Azalea Stepp – Coker 105
                                Adult Connection Group at Night - Jim  Williams - Coker 101
                                Generational Choir Rehearsal
                                Generational Orchestra Rehearsal
                                Youth Discipleship Class (Grades 6-12)
                                Connect Kids (Grades 1-5)
                                J.A.M. (6wks.-2yrs.)
                                J.A.M. (3yrs.-k5)
        7:45 p.m. – Adelphia (Young Singles)

MONTHLY (THIRD SUNDAY, Beginning September 17):
        5:00 p.m. – Connection Groups Leaders Meetings 

        6:00 p.m. – Family Worship Hour  (all ages; no childcare)