Becoming a Member
If you are interested in joining our church, there are two ways for you to join; (1) At the close of every service our Pastor will invite people to come to the altar who desire to make commitments to Jesus. You can come at that time and express your desire to become a member. (2) Every other month we have a Membership Class that meets in the Fellowship Hall from 9:30 a.m. until just before noon. You can express your desire to join and join at the conclusion of the Membership Class.
Westside receives members in three ways:
1. By profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior Lord, followed by baptism. (Please see “Our Core Beliefs” for a clear explanation of what we believe about salvation and baptism.)
2. By transfer from a Baptist church of like faith and order. (“Like faith and order” means churches who hold to the same requirements of profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and of baptism being by immersion as a symbolic act after salvation.)
3. By a personal statement that the you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and have been previously baptized by a church of like faith and order.